In the FY 2023/24, results in line with guidance and acceleration of mid-long term growth

Giancarlo Nicosanti Monterastelli, Chief Executive Officer of Unieuro, stated:
“In the FY 2023/24, against a challenging geopolitical and macroeconomic backdrop and faced with a further deterioration in the consumer electronics market, we worked to achieve dual objectives: to preserve the Group's profitability in the short term and to accelerate our medium to long-term growth trajectory.
The results achieved, meeting the guidance communicated to the market, demonstrate the validity of our approach. In accordance with the Strategic Plan, we acquired Covercare, a transformative and crucial transaction for us that will improve the range of services and boost Group profitability.”
FY closed as at 29 February 2024
€2.635 billion
In a declining consumer electronics market because of the settling of certain product categories
€34.8 million
In line with guidance, thanks to incisive management to protect margins and contain costs
€44.5 million
NET CASH (ex. IFRS 16)
After Covercare acquisition (net impact €69.4 million)
Revenues by sales channel
70.1% of total revenues

which at February 29, 2024 comprised 271 direct sales points - saw sales of Euro 1,845.7 million, decreasing 6.1% on the previous fiscal year. The performance reflects the consumer electronics market, in view of the contraction in demand for Brown and Information Technology category products, partially offset by the strong entertainment, large domestic appliance and telecom segment performance.

16.5% of total revenues

which includes the platform - generated revenues of Euro 434.3 million in FY 2023/24, down 13.4% on the previous fiscal year. The decrease in revenues is mainly attributable to the decline in demand in the Brown and Grey categories and reflects the Company's focus on higher-margin sales channels.

9.0% of total revenues

which includes sales made to the network of affiliated stores comprising a total of 254 sales points at February 29, 2024 - reports revenues of Euro 235.7 million, contracting 3.3% on the previous fiscal year. Revenues reflect the Consumer Electronics market and were partially offset by the good performance across all other product categories.

4.5% of total revenues

which caters to professional customers (including overseas) operating in sectors other than Unieuro's, such as hotel chains and banks, in addition to those purchasing electronic products to distribute to regular customers or employees for point collections, prize contests or incentive plans (B2B2C segment) - reported revenues of Euro 119.2 million, up 19.5% on the previous fiscal year, thanks to greater product availability and the contribution of Covercare, included in the consolidation from December 1, 2023.

Revenues by product category
49.0% of total revenues

i.e. phones, tablets, information technology, phone accessories, cameras, in addition to all wearable products - generated revenues of Euro 1,290.8 million, down 3.8% on FY 2022/23. The category performance was affected by the settling of consumption in the Information Technology segment, following the record growth during the pandemic, and a contraction of the telephony segment after years of continual growth.

29.1% of total revenues

comprising major domestic appliances (MDA), such as washing machines, dryers, refrigerators or freezers and stoves, small domestic appliances (SDA), such as vacuum cleaners, food processors and coffee machines, in addition to the air conditioning segment, reports revenues of Euro 767.5 million, substantially in line with the previous year. During the fiscal year, major domestic appliance segment growth offset the decline in the small domestic appliances and home comfort segments.

10.4% of revenues

including televisions and related accessories, audio devices, smart TV devices, car accessories and data storage systems - reported revenues of Euro 274.6 million, a contraction of 33.7% on the previous fiscal year. The contraction is in line with the market trend, which reflects extraordinary sales related to the TV frequency switch-off and the TV Bonus in previous years.

Other Products
5.6% of total revenues

which includes sales of both the entertainment sector and other products not included in the consumer technology market, such as electric scooters or bicycles - reported revenues of Euro 147.0 million in FY 2023/24, increasing 8.2% on the previous fiscal year. The entertainment segment saw strong growth in the year thanks to gaming console sales.

5.9% of total revenues

which includes, among others, sales of extended warranty, installation, home delivery and repair services, in addition to consumer credit services - reported revenues of Euro 155.0 million, up 2.9% on FY 2022/23, thanks to the strong consumer credit services sales which offset the drop in installation services. The category includes the contribution of Covercare from December 1, 2023.