The Board of Directors currently in office was appointed by the Shareholders‘ Meeting on 21 June 2022 and will remain in office until the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the financial year ending 28 February 2025.

The Board of Directors consists of 11 members of which 7 directors meet the independence requirements (equal to 64%) and a significant opening towards gender quotas (5 women out of 11 members equal to 45%).
The Board of Directors is characterised by the presence of suitably differentiated professional profiles and varied skills; it includes business managers, financial profiles, professionals, as well as academic profiles. The Board is composed of 7 independent directors out of 11 and 2 executive directors, the Managing Director and the General Manager. The number and skills of the non-executive directors are therefore such as to ensure that they have significant weight in the adoption of board resolutions and to guarantee effective monitoring of management.

Considering the separation of the offices of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, as well as the circumstance that the office of Chairman is not held by the person who controls the issuer and that the Chairman is not an executive, the company has not appointed an independent director as lead independent director, as the conditions set forth in Recommendation 13 of the Corporate Governance Code are not met.

Unieuro has appointed its own Board Secretary, whose requirements and powers are defined in Article 6 of the Board of Directors Regulation.
Stefano Meloni
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Stefano Meloni
▪ Chairman of the Board of Directors
▪ Independent Director

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Giancarlo Nicosanti Monterastelli
Giancarlo Nicosanti Monterastelli
▪ Executive Director
▪ Director in charge of the Internal Control and Risk Management System

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Maria Bruna Olivieri
Executive Director
Maria Bruna Olivieri
▪ Executive Director
▪ General Manager

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Stefano Meloni
▪ Chairman of the Board of Directors
▪ Independent Director

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Giancarlo Nicosanti Monterastelli
▪ Executive Director
▪ Director in charge of the Internal Control and Risk Management System

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Maria Bruna Olivieri
▪ Executive Director
▪ General Manager

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Alessandra Bucci
Independent Director
Alessandra Bucci
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Sustainability Committee
▪ Member of the Related Party Transactions Committee

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Pietro Caliceti
Independent Director
Pietro Caliceti
▪ Independent Director
▪ Chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee
▪ Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee

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Laura Cavatorta
Independent Director
Laura Cavatorta
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Sustainability Committee
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

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Alessandra Bucci
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Sustainability Committee
▪ Member of the Related Party Transactions Committee

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Pietro Caliceti
▪ Independent Director
▪ Chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee
▪ Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee

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Laura Cavatorta
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Sustainability Committee
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

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Paola Elisabetta Galbiati
Independent Director
Paola Elisabetta Galbiati
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

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Benedetto Levi
Non-executive Director
Benedetto Levi
▪ Non-executive Director
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

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Giuseppe Nisticò
Non-executive Director
Giuseppe Nisticò
▪ Non-executive Director

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Paola Elisabetta Galbiati
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

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Benedetto Levi
▪ Non-executive Director
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

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Giuseppe Nisticò
▪ Non-executive Director

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Daniele Pelli
Independent Director
Daniele Pelli
▪ Independent Director
▪ Chairman of the Sustainability Committee

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Alessandra Stabilini
Independent Director
Alessandra Stabilini
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee
▪ Member of the Related Party Transactions Committee

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Filippo Fonzi
Secretary of the Board of Directors
Filippo Fonzi
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Daniele Pelli
▪ Independent Director
▪ Chairman of the Sustainability Committee

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Alessandra Stabilini
▪ Independent Director
▪ Member of the Audit and Risk Committee
▪ Member of the Related Party Transactions Committee

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Filippo Fonzi
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Pursuant to Article 12 of the Articles of Association, the management of Unieuro is entrusted to a Board of Directors composed of an odd number of members no less than 7 and no more than 15. The directors remain in office for the period fixed by the shareholders' resolution appointing them, up to a maximum of three financial years, and may be re-elected.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 147-ter of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the Company's Bylaws provide that directors are appointed through the list voting mechanism.

The Board of Directors is elected according to the following criteria:
  1. five sevenths of the directors to be elected are taken from the list obtaining the highest number of votes (‘majority list’), in the sequential order in which they are listed, rounding off to the nearest whole number in the event of a fractional number
  2. the remaining directors are taken from the other lists (the ‘minority lists’); to this end, the votes obtained by the minority lists will be successively divided by one, two, three, four and so on according to the number of directors to be elected. The quotients thus obtained shall be progressively assigned to the candidates of each of these lists, according to their respective progressive order. The quotients thus assigned to the candidates of the various lists will be arranged in a single decreasing ranking. Those who have obtained the highest quotients shall be elected. In the event that several candidates have obtained the same quotient, the candidate of the list that has not yet elected any director or that has elected the smallest number of directors shall be elected.
If, at the end of the voting, the balance between genders and/or the minimum number of directors meeting the independence requirements is not ensured in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in force, as many elected candidates as necessary shall be excluded, replacing them with candidates meeting the deficient requirements, taken from the same list to which the candidate to be excluded belongs, according to the progressive order of listing. The replacements shall be made with reference first to belonging to the least represented gender and then to the possession of the independence requirements.
The Board of Directors is vested with the broadest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary administration and management of the company and has the authority to perform all acts deemed necessary and useful for the achievement of the corporate purpose, with the exception of the powers reserved by law and the Articles of Association to the Shareholders' Meeting.

Pursuant to the regulations in force for companies with shares listed on regulated markets and in accordance with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code, the Board of Directors plays a central role in the company's governance system and is responsible for determining and pursuing the company's strategic objectives, as well as verifying the existence of the necessary controls to monitor its performance.

The Board of Directors guides the company by pursuing sustainable success in the development of its strategic plan, taking into consideration the impact on the environment, shareholders, consumers and all other stakeholders that are affected by the conduct of the company and the Group.