Unieuro S.p.A.'s governance model is designed to guarantee effective corporate management, with the primary objective of generating value for shareholders in the medium and long term. The governance structure is based on a traditional system of administration and control: the Board of Directors, supported by internal committees, is responsible for management, while the Board of Statutory Auditors exercises supervisory functions.

On 18 March 2021, the company adopted the new ‘Corporate Governance Code’ issued by Borsa Italiana, further strengthening the standards of transparency and accountability. In this context, the Board of Directors adopted an internal regulation that details the functioning and organisation of the body itself, defines key aspects of the governance structure and aims to optimise the management of information between corporate bodies.

The endoconsiliar Committees operate according to specific regulations, established by the Board of Directors on the proposal of the Committees themselves, to ensure efficiency and consistency in the performance of their functions.

On 23 February 2022, the Board of Directors adopted, at the initiative of the Chairman, with the consent of the CEO and subject to the approval of the Sustainability Committee, a Policy for Managing Stakeholder Dialogue. This approach reflects the company's dedication to building and maintaining solid and transparent relationships with all stakeholders, strengthening trust in the governance model.
Our Governance Model
Shareholders' Meeting: that expresses the will of the shareholders and, among other things, appoints and dismisses the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors, determines their remuneration, approves the financial statements, passes resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association, as well as all other matters within its competence in accordance with the law.
Board of Directors: to which is delegated the responsibility for defining corporate strategies and monitoring their implementation by the management. The Board holds all powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration and management of the company. It has established four internal committees with advisory and proposal-making functions: the Control and Risk Committee, the Remuneration and Appointments Committee, the Sustainability Committee and the Related Party Transactions Committee.
Board of Statutory Auditors: ì entrusted with the supervision of compliance with the law and the Articles of Association and observance of the principles of proper administration.
Supervisory Board: a board-appointed body with the fundamental task of monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of the Organisational Model, ensuring that it is complied with and kept up-to-date.
Auditing Company: the activity of statutory auditing is entrusted to a specialised auditing company, duly registered in the special register of statutory auditors, appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting upon proposal of the Board of Statutory Auditors.
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