Model 231 implements the provisions of Legislative Decree 231 of 2001 - which introduced into the Italian legal system the administrative liability of entities for certain predicate offences committed in their interest or to their advantage by directors, managers or employees - in order to prevent the commission of the offences set out in the Decree. The purpose of the Model is to encourage the performance of company activities in accordance with principles of fairness, ethics and transparency and, at the same time, to avoid potential risk situations in business management.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board has the task of supervising the correct functioning, effectiveness and observance of Model 231, as well as of ensuring that it is updated and periodically verifying the implementation of the principles and controls contained therein. The
Supervisory Board of Unieuro S.p.A. reports to the Board of Directors.
The members of Unieuro S.p.A.'s Supervisory Board meet the requirements of:
- autonomy and independence from any conditioning in the performance of their activities;
- professionalism and competence in legal matters, control systems and company organisation;
- continuity of action in constantly monitoring compliance with Model 231, as well as its implementation and updating.
The current Supervisory Board is composed of:
- Giorgio Rusticali, Chairman of the Body and external member;
- Raffaella Folli, Head of the Internal Audit Function internal member;
- Chiara Tebano, external member.
It consists of:
- a General Section that illustrates the contents of Legislative Decree 231/01, the purposes of the 231 Model, the procedures for setting up and functioning of the Supervisory Board, the system of sanctions, and staff training
- a Special Part describing the conduct and prevention measures to reduce the risk of committing the predicate offences referred to in Legislative Decree 231/01.
Model 231 is periodically updated in consideration of any organisational and/or regulatory changes in line with best practices and industry standards.
The Code of Ethics is an integral part of Model 231 and constitutes its essential foundation for defining a culture of ethics and corporate transparency.